Tricks World

Trinity Piano Grade Exams-Overview

Trinity Music College- London
Hi Friends, if you’re serious to pursue music as a career then Trinity Music college is one of the best destinations to fulfill our visions. In this post  I am going to narrate by own experience with this wonderful curriculum on music offered by Trinity on regular basis.

Trinity – Across the World-
It’s not necessary that we need to be in London to learn music from Trinity. Trinity conducts its Grade Exams around the world at many places. Currently I am learning the Trinity music Grade exam for Piano from Chennai- India.

Grade Exams:
Basically we have two streams of Grade exams. Theory and Practical for many instruments like Piano, Keyboard, guitar, Violin and more.
             Theory – 1st grade -8th grade
        Practical- Initial grade – 8th grade.
Theory exams are conducted twice a year in selected centers across the country, in my case India. The duration of exam is 3 hours for 100 marks. The pass percentage is 60.For Practical exams; the trinity examiner from England will visit the selected centers and conducts the practical exam. The duration of practical exam varies between 8 to 20 min depending on the grade level from initial to higher grades say 7th and 8th.

My Journey with Trinity Music So far.
After lots of searching finally I was able to join a good music school [Galilee Academy-Chennai] to start my Musical journey with Trinity for Piano. I joined the school in May 2012. Till now I was able to complete, 2 grades in Theory Piano and an initial grade in Practical Piano. My Theory marks are 100 in both the grades and Practical I scored 88. If you really want a genuine school to learn music then Galilee Academy is the place. Its located in Santhome. The address can be obtained easily if you google it.In this post, I would like to keep sharing my learning’s in Piano via Trinity Curriculum with articles and video as applicable. I hope this will benefit the music lovers across the world and help everybody to score good marks in the grade exams.

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